New ReferralCloud Features

The team at ReferralCloud is excited to announce we have more features that will help us find the best fit for your client referral. We’ve added agent Bios, Languages, Specialties, and Service Areas!

Let go through them one at a time.

ReferralCloud Service Areas

ReferralCloud Service Area Map
ReferralCloud Service Area Map

Service area show up on the agent profile when someone clicks on the agent on the map. The service areas only show the name of the town. Service areas can not be zip code county, or state. They can only be the name of the town. If you cover more than one town in a county, just add those towns one at a time in the Agent Dashboard.

ReferralCloud Service Areas
ReferralCloud Service Areas

Just start typing in the name of the town and it will autofill. Select the town or press enter to add it to your coverage area. You can put as many as you want in, so if you cover a large area with a lot of towns you can put them all in. Please do not enter every single town in your state unless you live in Rhode Island or small state that you actually cover.

The benefit of having your service area is that it will make it easier for other agents to find you for direct referrals as well as ReferralCloud staff to assign you a referral in your service area.

Real Estate Specialties

So you need an agent in Austin that speaks Spanish and does Residential?

ReferralCloud Specialties Map
ReferralCloud Specialties Map

Real Estate specialties help agents find someone that can work with their client that needs specific help. Agents can select from a number of choices. The staff at ReferralCloud has the ability to add specialties, so if you think we missed something, please let us know and we will add it. Specialties are added in the Agent Dashboard.

ReferralCloud Specialties
ReferralCloud Specialties

Specialties appear automatically in the agent Dashboard. Just select the specialty and hit enter and it will be added to your profile. If you don’t want to see it in your profile, just click on it and you can delete it.

Real Estate Agent Languages

ReferralCloud Languages
ReferralCloud Languages

The most common languages in the world are already loaded. Just click on the one you want. If you don’t see the language in the search area, its because no real estate agents on the platform speaks the language!

Entering Languages
Entering Languages

To select a language, just start typing and choices will appear. If you speak a language that isn’t in the list, please email the staff and we can add it for you. Please limit this to actual languages and not Klingon, Drow Elf, please.

ReferralCloud Privacy Setting

It has come to our attention that some agents do not wish to have their profiles publicly viewable. If this is the case for you, there is a way in the Agent Dashboard to make your profile hidden to the public, and only visible for ReferralCloud staff.

ReferralCloud Privacy
ReferralCloud Privacy

We respect everyone’s privacy and understand that some agents do not want a public profile. We highly recommend that you do make your profile public, while we hide things like tax ID, email, etc. We just make it easy for other agents to call you to directly give you referrals.

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