ReferralCloud Blog
ReferralCloud helps agents get more inbound clients free

ReferralCloud is a real estate startup that is founded by successful real estate agents Oana Sterlacci-Miller and Todd Miller to solve the problem that exists with finding agents to give referrals to and at the same time help real estate agents get more inbound referrals.

Why we started ReferralCloud

Being successful real estate agents that have sold over 3,000 homes, we understand two important things about real estate. One is that most real estate agents don’t have a single source for leads, and the other is that most real estate agents who claim they only work by “referral” are actually saying they have a system set up so they don’t have to prospect to find clients. As former REO superstar agents, who worked with over 30 banks, we wanted to create a system that would allow us to reward real estate agents who give referrals by giving them inbound referrals.

Referrals for real estate agents
Referrals for Real Estate Agents

How does it work?

Its pretty simple. All an agent has to do is create a free ReferralCloud account to start getting referrals. These aren’t “leads”. They are actual referrals. All the clients in the system are coming from other real estate agents. The reason they are using this “clearinghouse” is so that ReferralCloud can track the number of referrals given and make sure that the agents who give referrals in a market are rewarded with inbound referrals themselves. The more referrals that are placed in the system ensures that those agents will continue to be first in line to get more clients in their market ahead of other agents.

Although there is no requirement to use the system to place outbound referrals to get inbound ones, once more agents start using the service it will be harder for agents to get clients referred to them, since the outbound referrals will be going to agents who use the system to place their referrals.

How does a real estate agent get started?

An agent simply has to create a free account at and fill in their information. Make sure to select an address from the pulldown menu since we use the office address from Google to verify which agents are in that market.

Once your free account is created you will be on your way to getting high quality real estate referrals. Remember that to be top priority in your market, to use the platform exclusively to place all your outbound referrals, as those agents are given inbound referrals ahead of other agents.

Enjoy using ReferralCloud to drive more clients to your real estate business!

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